The Silence of the Sheep

Don’t be a sheep.

You’ve probably heard this phrase before, but it’s the truth.

For proof have a look at the ungodly line outside your local Apple Store the next time Steve’s company releases a new product like an iPhone or the iWatch. You’ll see a long line of sheep, nestled uncomfortably either on the cold linoleum floor of a shopping centre or wind swept city streets. Huddled together in ragged bunches in sleeping bags and perched precariously on folding seats, telling themselves that this kind of mindless servitude is absolutely worth it: “We’re in this together, look, I’m not the only one!” These unfortunate sheep are more than willing to pay upwards of a thousand dollars and wait in line for 8 hours for the dubious honour of owning the latest tech device. They’re willing to sacrifice work hours, sleep and valuable savings just to own something that will be relatively obsolete (within their narrow world view) in less than a year. Owning a new iPhone first is supposed to carry with it some social cache.

Ask yourself this question: how much is that worth to you?

We don’t necessarily need to be a part of such a pointless, fickle tribe. Our lives are shaped by the tribes we are included in, be it family, social circle, work, hobbies, television discussion groups, the social networking spheres; however these examples provide a connection through both shared experience and passion. Owning the latest tech device just to own the latest tech device means you’ve decided to validate your self worth through pointless materialism. It’s kind of like those poor people who save up to buy LV or Gucci bags and apparel just so people can look at them and perhaps give them some positive regard. Trust me, these people don’t care and neither should you.

Don’t be thirsty for external validation from people who ultimately shouldn’t care about you. You best friend or your mum telling you you’re alright should be enough. Doing good work in your life should be enough. Following your passions and striving for self-actualization should be enough.

Are you a sheep or a wolf?

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